Wednesday, April 3, 2013

New Dwellings

This entry comes to you from the comfort of our (slightly uncomfortable) futon couch in our very own lounge! We have officially moved into our new digs, 2 bedroom 2 bathroom OUR VERY OWN BEDS apartment.

Its pretty neat, very good location and cheap rent - which is good, because we are still unemployed.

Currently it is looking a little barren, as we don't have a lot of furniture. We inherited a hideous dining table from the previous tenants and a sub-average coffee table which we have turned into a side board (looks much better than in the middle of the room as a coffee table) and have a couch. thats it.

SO. Photos will not be posted until it is sufficiently cute-a-fied.

But in the mean time, here is a snap of our kitchen, complete with the prettiest kettle you will ever see in your life; and a shot of our bedrooms - but be warned, they are rather empty.

Andi's Room

Laura's Room

One of our neighbours is learning to play the electric guitar and so we have free music to listen to this afternoon. He's not too bad really.